Begrüssungsansprache zur Eröffnung Curling-WM
Sehr geehrte Frau Bundespräsidentin Amherd, dear President Welling, lieber Regierungspräsident Patrick Strasser, liebe Curling Familie, dear guests I am delighted to warmly welcome you as mayor of Schaffhausen. We are very grateful to the World Curling Federation and Swisscurling for choosing us as the host city. You made a good choice! Schaffhausen, with one of the most beautiful historic old towns in Europe, picturesquely located on the Rhine, above the world-famous Rhine Falls, offers a wonderful setting for this great sporting event. The global curling family meets here in the north of Switzerland, geographically in the heart of Europe. And thanks to the World Championships, Schaffhausen will now be the heart of the world for a few days – at least of the curling world. Ganz herzlichen Dank dem lokalen OK und den zahlreichen freiwilligen Helferinnen und Helfern für Euern grossartigen Einsatz auch im Namen des Stadtrats! Now I wish the athletes fair, injury-free and successful games and I hope you all have fun cheering along. Come back to Schaffhausen soon, you won’t regret it!